Re: irb at pui question Mary Watson 30 Mar 2000 11:08 EST


who collected the data and presently owns it?


At 04:56 PM 3/29/00 -0600, Harrel, Peggy F sent a message saying:
*I need help on a quick IRB question.  Student research at a state
*incarceration facility, using existing data: the facility conducted a
*satisfaction survey in the past.  My student wants IRB permission to analyze
*the data, but the faculty sponsor is concerned about
*student/faculty/University liability if any of the prisoners later claim
*they were coerced to complete the survey.  The guidelines concerning
*prisoners seem pretty clear that this does not qualify for exempt status.  I
*guess we need to get informed consent, even though it's existing data.  Does
*anyone out there in RESADM-L land have any wisdom on this for my concerned
*faculty sponsor?
*As usual, much appreciate the shared experience.
*Peggy F. Harrel, Ph.D.
*Director, Graduate Studies and Sponsored Research
*University of Southern Indiana
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Mary H. Watson, Ph.D.
Director, Grants and Contracts
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, Georgia

Phone:  912-333-7837
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