irb at pui question Harrel, Peggy F 29 Mar 2000 17:56 EST

I need help on a quick IRB question.  Student research at a state
incarceration facility, using existing data: the facility conducted a
satisfaction survey in the past.  My student wants IRB permission to analyze
the data, but the faculty sponsor is concerned about
student/faculty/University liability if any of the prisoners later claim
they were coerced to complete the survey.  The guidelines concerning
prisoners seem pretty clear that this does not qualify for exempt status.  I
guess we need to get informed consent, even though it's existing data.  Does
anyone out there in RESADM-L land have any wisdom on this for my concerned
faculty sponsor?

As usual, much appreciate the shared experience.

Peggy F. Harrel, Ph.D.
Director, Graduate Studies and Sponsored Research
University of Southern Indiana

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