Re: Bob Lucas Workshops Kim Moreland 24 Feb 2000 11:03 EST

We've had Bob in to do the Grant Writing Workshop, and the response was terrific.  The faculty viewed him as highly professional and articulate.  There was none of the slick style that some other presenters have tried.  I recommend him highly!

Kim Moreland, Director
Contract Negotiations and Research Compliance
The University of Kansas
Center for Research, Inc.
2385 Irving Hill Road
Lawrence, KS  66044-7552
Phone:  785/864-7431
Fax:  785/864-5049

>>> xxxxxx@DENVER.DU.EDU 02/24/00 09:12AM >>>
We've had Bob Lucas on campus to present his proposal writing and scholarly
writing workshops several times, beginning in 1996 . He's fantastic.  The
evaluations have been glowing.  One faculty member indicated that they
"learned/absorbed more today than I have in any other trainng seminar I have
attended."  We also had a faculty member who said that Bob's scholary writing
workshop "changed her life."  I'd be happy to share other perceptions and
comments with you if that would be useful.

gwen gennaro

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