Re: Foreign Delivery Order Query
Rusty Okoniewski 03 Feb 2000 10:13 EST
We at UF/IFAS have had a number of NATO projects including an annual
project for training where we bring in people from all over the world. Our
experiences have never included a year long "warranty period" after which we
were paid. In fact, much of our work has actually involved some part of an
advance payment from NATO with the balance paid at the time of delivery of
the product. I would be inclined to try to negotiate some sort of split
payment where the balance due at the time of delivery is minimal. That way
you won't be "out on a limb" too long.
In fairness, we have not dealt with this particular agency of NATO.
A word of sure you know how NATO will transmit the money. And
don't forget to budget for bank wire charges, currency conversion (if not
paid in US funds), etc. We have experienced a number of wire charges
depending on just how many banks are used to transmit the payments. After a
while, they begin to add up!
Hope this helps.
Rusty Okoniewski
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG]On Behalf
Of Gerald N. Goldberger
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 10:50 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Foreign Delivery Order Query
Florida Atlantic University has received a rather large Purchase Order from:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Saclant Undersea Research Center
La Spezia, Italy
The payment terms stretch out the reimbursement until after the delivery of
items, factory testing, acceptance and the expiration of the warranty period
year after acceptance).
Does anyone out there have any experience with this organization? Do their
payments follow their "Special Conditions"? In other words do they pay on
Has anyone had any trouble getting reimbursed from SACLANT
Please respond back to me on the listserv
I need your input before we commit to the P.O.
Thanks for your help
Gerald N. Goldberger, Ph.D
Director, Division of Sponsored Research
Florida Atlantic University
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