Re: Document Imaging Diana Hyde 01 Feb 2000 10:55 EST

Florida State University has acquired the hardware and software for imaging
purposes. It's my understanding that it will be used for most all
university files (business- and student-related as well as sponsored
research). The Document Management System software is DOCSOpen 3.8; Imaging
System software is Kofax Ascent Capture v3; and database management
software is MS SQL Server 7. Hardware includes 2 Pentiums, a scanner and
laser printer.

Since our administrative and accounting offices recently moved to separate
locations, file management is a big pain. The Controller graciously has
allowed the sponsored research imaging project to become top priority.

A committee was formed and has met on several occasions to determine
indexing and document groupings. While that part of the project was not
horrendous, it did take a lot of time and effort to determine how the
documents should be indexed for easy retrieval. Using terminology familiar
to anyone who might use the system was a challenge. [Do you call it an
account number, budget number, org code, or what??]

For sponsored research purposes, we don't anticipate using the imaged files
for work flow purposes--just archival. That position could change once we
get the imaging system in place and get more familiar with its
capabilities. The files will be viewable campus-wide, depending on what
security level is assigned. That means that the faculty will have easy
access to their files.

If anyone would like to discuss this directly with me, please feel free to
call me or email me.

Jane Youngers, thanks for that tip! I had not seen that memorandum about
the cognizant audit agency approval.

Diana Hyde
Florida State University

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