Re: Evidence of Insurability
Diane Gilbert 26 Jan 2000 18:20 EST
Yes, from a foundation and from a company. The answer in both cases was
"no". We would give them a letter of indemnification depending upon the
work to be funded, and in one case a copy of our insurance coverage.
Speaking of insurance, if you want and snow or ice, pleased to pack it
up and send it to Texas. South Carolina and D.C. harder hit than
Boston. Another one tonight.
Diane C. Gilbert, CRA
Director, Research and Service Grants Administration
Boston Medical Center
660 Harrison Avenue
Boston, MA 02118-02393
spettyjo wrote:
> Hello Everyone - Hope "ya'll" aren't all snowed in.
> A little help please -
> A PI at our institution is submitting a grant to the Glaucoma Foundation
> and there is a stipulation that our institution place them on our
> general liability policy or name them as an additional insured. Has
> anyone ever heard of this before? How did you address this? Thanks for
> any help.
> Shelly R. Pettyjohn
> Pre-award Grants/Funding Specialist
> Univ. of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
> 817 735-2561
> fax 817 735-5485
> email:
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