PI effort required on competitive renewal?
Amy Frithsen 01 Apr 2020 16:54 EST
Hello brain trust!
I have a PI who is putting in a competitive revision to work on COVID-19 research. I'm trying to figure out if a competitive revision requires the PI to put in measurable effort (like a regular NIH proposal does). We are working with a somewhat tight budget and knowing if I need to include a PI's salary will make a difference in how we plan this. Does anyone know if I need to put effort (and thus request salary) for a PI on a competitive revision/supplement? I'm relatively new and haven't done one of these yet.
Thanks in advance & I hope you are all staying safe and healthy out there!
Amy Frithsen, Ph.D. (She/Her)
Grants Development Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs
Touro University California
232B Lander Hall
707 638 5294
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