

It just removes the Internet link behind the text, in other words, you are no longer supposed to be able to just click on it and go to that location on the Internet.


The problem I have with this, is my version of Acrobat, automatically turns any address it sees into a hyperlink, even if it is not linked. So, if you have random words linked to the Internet, this will remove that link.  If you have an address, like “”, Adobe will treat it as a hyperlink, even though it is not in blue and clicking on it in Word, does nothing.


Our OSP makes us remove anything that looks like an Internet address, whether it is an active link or not.  Even DOI addresses for example. becomes DOI: 10.1038/s41434-021-00249-7.


If I did not answer your question, let me know and I will try again.


One reason I asked is I have heard a rumor that there is an add-on to Acrobat that flags any hyperlinks so you can remove them. Drop a penny in the wishing well.


Al Dowdle, III
EPC Pre-Award

Emory Primate Center - Research Administration (EPiC RA)

Emory University
Phone # 404-727-8177
Intent to Submit Form
he/him/his (why pronouns?)


From: Elliott-Farino, Carolyn E - Carolyn.Elliott-Farino at (via resadm-l list) <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 12:22 PM
Subject: RE: [External][RESADM-L] active links in biosketches and references


Is there a trick to this? I just tried it and it removed none of the links. Are there only certain links it removes?


From: kabshop at (via resadm-l list) <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [External][RESADM-L] active links in biosketches and references


If it’s a .pdf, you can use Adobe edit—>link command. There you have the option of removing all links. On Mar 4, 2025, at 08:56, Dowdle III, Al <> wrote:  Tracie, Have you


If it’s a .pdf, you can use Adobe edit—>link command. There you have the option of removing all links. 


On Mar 4, 2025, at 08:56, Dowdle III, Al <> wrote:



Have you found an easy way to spot hyperlinks?  CNT & “F” is my friend, searching for .gov, .edu, . com, but the hyperlinks hidden behind word that do not show as a link are hard to spot.


Al Dowdle, III
EPC Pre-Award

Emory Primate Center - Research Administration (EPiC RA)

Emory University
Phone # 404-727-8177
Intent to Submit Form
he/him/his (why pronouns?)


From: Gatewood, Tracie - Tracie.Gatewood at STJUDE.ORG (via resadm-l list) <>
Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [External][RESADM-L] active links in biosketches andreferences


I don’t have any hyperlinks in any part of the proposal, including the biosketch. Why? Because they try to use links to different sites & push back on the “hyperlinked URL must be to a Federal Government website” part of the rule. No, you cannot reference your Google scholar page. They also try to hide them in paper instead of manually removing them, so I automatically strip all hyperlinks of all documents just to be safe. 


Tracie Gatewood, MHA

Sr Grants & Programs Coordinator 

Epidemiology and Cancer Control

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 


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