Our general policy is to only allow ONE in the biosketch.  Just less confusion that way.


NIH permits hyperlinks to your “MyNCBI” profile in your NIH biosketch and in the publication lists as commented on in the Hyperlinks and URLs section of the Format Attachments page.



You may provide a hyperlinked URL to a full list of your published work. This hyperlinked URL must be to a Federal Government website (a .gov suffix). NIH recommends using My Bibliography. Providing a URL to a list of published work is not required.




Al Dowdle, III
EPC Pre-Award

Emory Primate Center - Research Administration (EPiC RA)

Emory University
Phone # 404-727-8177
Intent to Submit Form
he/him/his (why pronouns?)


From: Elliott-Farino, Carolyn E - Carolyn.Elliott-Farino at mainehealth.org (via resadm-l list) <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org>
Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 8:34 AM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [External] [RESADM-L] active links in biosketches and references


Good morning, Braintrust. A proposal question for today:


I have removed all active links from a biosketch and references section for an R01 due this week. My PI is questioning me and now I am questioning myself. Here is what she sent me:


Here is the NIH notice about the hyperlinks. It says it is fine to include hyperlinks in a biosketch or publication list. Do you have a different source of information?


NOT-OD-20-174: Reminder: NIH Policy on Use of Hypertext in NIH Grant Applications


I just checked our XXX grant which I wrote with my mentor at XXX and was funded a year and a half ago, and we included all of the linkable references in that one. Did the rule change just over the past year??



I replied with the instructions – we are submitting under the parent R01 and there is no allowance there for URLs.


What is your policy on URLs in references and the biosketch? I know I’ve had some bios returned to me from collaborators because they had active links, so some of you are following these guidelines.





Carolyn Elliott-Farino, MA, CRA (she/her)

Director, Research Grants|Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)

MaineHealth/MaineHealth Institute for Research

81 Research Drive | Scarborough, ME 04074

207-396-8188 | xxxxxx@mainehealth.org




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