

I have to respectfully agree with you.  I think we can all agree to disagree.  We need to be mindful that we cannot put our heads in the sand and forget all of this is going on.  I know of colleagues who are writing letters and communicating with their legislators on their own time to make sure our voices are heard.  It is important that we get the message out about the good work that is being done.  All the amazing science and discoveries that are being made everyday that impact the lives of many.  Our profession and universities impact a lot of this.  Likewise, we all need to stay informed.  I have been reading and getting my updates on COGR website and this has been helpful to me.


Let’s have patience with each other during this crazy time.  Have a nice weekend, everyone!  It’s going to be 78 degrees here today 😊




Robyn Bowling Remotigue, MPPA, CRA

Executive Director

Office of Research and Scholarship

College of Nursing

a:  3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., MET 577, Fort Worth, Texas 76107

p:  817.735.2759


Pronouns:  she/her/hers







From: <> On Behalf Of Pfister,Brigette
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 8:09 AM
Subject: RE: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


I think, reading this thread, that many in our community have never participated in an internet forum, or an old BBS, or even witnessed a true “OG” flame war. It shows. There has been no “hateful rhetoric” here, just civil, respectful disagreement.


Remember that disagreement is critical to problem solving.  Constructive criticism and sometimes even heated debate are extremely important to make sure that we at least try to understand each other and the issues. A problem cannot be solved or dealt with if we don’t understand it, after all. If our information is all filtered through one lens or another, there’s a chance that we don’t have the full picture.  Through dialogue (and disagreement!) with people of different viewpoints, we can at least start to broaden our viewpoints to see the whole issue at hand.


So this might not be the forum for purely political debates, but our profession is so closely tied to the politics of our nation (especially now!).  I think we would be willfully ignorant to shut down discussion about it, especially if it’s just because passionate disagreement makes us uncomfortable.  I’d rather debate the issues with my peers who know what all the words mean than to mourn the loss of my country and my profession (not to mention the future of scientific research in the US!) because we were too uncomfortable disagreeing with each other to do anything about it when we had the chance.


Brigette Pfister, MHRD, CRA

Financial Compliance Manager

Office of Sponsored Programs

she/her/hers | (970) 491-3447


From: <> On Behalf Of Elaine North
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


** Caution: EXTERNAL Sender **

Elaine North reacted to your message:

From: Gloria Greene - greeneg at (via resadm-l list) <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 9:14:54 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


External Message: Use Caution


I agree with you, Kelle, 100%, and if anyone thinks otherwise, well, well!

Gloria W. Greene, MA, CRA

The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Assistant Vice President Contracts and Grants, Research Compliance

Office of The Vice President, Research and Economic Development

Society of Research Administrators-International Immediate Past President-2024-2026

301 Sparkman Drive, SSB324H

Huntsville, AL 35899

Phone: (256) 824-2657   

Knowledge is power. Sharing knowledge is empowering others. 






On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 3:12PM Adams, Kellee (adamske) - ADAMSKE at UCMAIL.UC.EDU (via resadm-l list) <> wrote:


Adams, Kellee (adamske) reacted to your message:

From: <> on behalf of Matthew Katz <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 8:54:20 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


External Email: Use Caution


Unfortunately Meredith that is not what is happening. If they truly wanted to ensure every dollar is being spent appropriately, they wouldn’t take a hatchet and just start destroying everything.  They would take the time and audit each and every department and person and see what everyone is doing in a thoughtful and calculated manner to ensure the appropriateness of their actions.


This is a blatant attempt to destroy the government.


Matthew D. Katz, MHA

Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs

And Contracts Management

Western University of Health Sciences

309 E. 2nd Street

Pomona, CA 91766-1854

Phone: 909-469-5567

Cell Phone: 909-771-6731

FAX: 909-469-5569


From: <> On Behalf Of Meredith Blake
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


You don't often get email from Learn why this is important

While it's true that some contracts and grants will be reviewed and potentially modified, the goal isn't simply to cut funding. It's about reallocating resources to maximize their impact. Think of it as a strategic investment portfolio – we're ensuring that every dollar is working its hardest for the American people. Isn't that what we want? This process will identify areas where we can be more efficient, allowing us to fund even more impactful projects in the long run. If funding is stopped on a current project, it is to ensure that a better more effective project can be funded in the future. 

From: <> on behalf of Clark, Trisha D. <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 8:28 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


I could be wrong; but I’m wondering if this will be their next hat trick to try to cut, delay or even stop funding some of the contracts/grants


Trisha Clark

Team Leader, Research Administration (or alternate:


From: Lisa Litchman - llitchman at (via resadm-l list) <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 3:23 PM
Subject: [External] Re: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


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Speaking for myself and not my institution:


So, what I am seeing is that they are cutting staff and funding while increasing the bureaucracy load on everyone, such that attempting to follow the EO will become prohibitive, thus negating the agencies' ability to award grants, disburse funds and essentially killing off grants by strangling them from within, while still "technically" following any court orders, or have I misread the EO?



Lisa Litchman

Project and Privacy Coordinator

Office of Research


10 W. 35th Street, Suite 7C9-1

Chicago, IL 60616

Phone: 312-567-3960


From: <> on behalf of Jessica Kump <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 1:10 PM
To: <>
Subject: [Ext][RESADM-L] Latest E.O. targeting IHE grants and contracts


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