This is helpful information

Thank you all
On Aug 19, 2024, at 9:21 AM, Gregory Wendling - GMWendling at (via resadm-l list) <> wrote:

We use GrantForward and are very happy with it.
Greg Wendling, MBA, CRA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Versiti Wisconsin
From: Glass, Suzanne L. - Glass.Suzanne at (via resadm-l list) <> 
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 8:40 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: Grant Forward- Worth it?
Caution: This Email originated from outside of Versiti.

I am the grants manager for a large non-profit organization. 
We use GrantForward in my office as well as our Strategic Funding Office.  It is an excellent tool for combining searches in one place. 
It has the capabilities to save searches and notify you when new opportunities become available. 
I highly recommend. 

Suzanne L. Glass, MBA  

Grants Manager | Center for Regenerative Biotherapeautics  

Phone: 507-266-3297

Mayo Clinic | 200 First Street SW | Rochester, MN 55905 | 

Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic |Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics (

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From: <> On Behalf Of Kress, Taylor
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 8:32 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [RESADM-L] Grant Forward- Worth it?
Wondering if anyone is a subscriber to GrantForward and what your thoughts are on it. Worth it? Not worth it? 
Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Happy Friday!

Taylor Knox-Chizmadia, MHS

Pre-Award Grant Administrator

Summa Health
Research, Sponsored Programs & Innovation

1077 Gorge Blvd. | Akron, Ohio 44310

c 330.428.4513 f 330.375.4165


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