Per the UG:
“Availability period. The Federal awarding agency must generally make all funding opportunities available for application for at least 60 calendar days. The Federal awarding agency may make a determination to have a less than 60 calendar day availability period but no funding opportunity should be available for less than 30 calendar days unless exigent circumstances require as determined by the Federal awarding agency head or delegate.”
Agreed that the DOE has been particularly late with recent limited submission opportunities. If anything, these announcements should be made earlier.
Our institution has recently established a few panels of internal reviewers that we call upon for limited submissions and other internal award competitions. It has been helpful in identifying individuals who are available to turn around a review quickly if needed. It takes some time to set this up. You need to identify a diverse range of expertise and demographics and provide anti-bias training as well as guidance about potential conflicts of interest and confidentiality. We have only started, and I can’t attest to the long-term sustainability, but we have used the panels for a couple of recent internal competitions and a handful of limited submissions, and so far it’s been working.
As part of the comment period on the proposed UG revisions, COGR has recommended the following language regarding notice of funding opportunities:
COGR RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that OMB incorporate the definition of exigent circumstances contained in current FAQ #39; and restore the requirement that the Agency head must approve NOFOs open 30 days or less. For 200.204(b) (Availability period) we recommend the following language: “The Federal agency should make all funding opportunities available for application for at least 90 calendar days…….However, no funding opportunity should be available for less than 30 calendar days unless the Federal agency determines that exigent circumstances require, as determined and approved on a case by case basis by the Federal awarding agency head or delegate. Exigent circumstances refer to situations requiring unusual or immediate action, usually an emergency situation.”
Please feel free to contact me at if you would like more information about our review panels.
Nancy Biles
Associate Director, Research Administration
University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
2385 Irving Hill Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-7552
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From: <> On Behalf Of Zhang, Alice Y.
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 8:08 AM
To: Leslie Goldstein - lgolds at (via resadm-l list) <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] DOE Limited Submissions
Good morning,
I am the limited submissions coordinator at the University of Oklahoma. There have been several DOE programs recently where there is a limit on the number of submissions per institution, and only about a month between the release of the FOA and the first application deadline. Under our normal limited submissions process, we try to give faculty at least 2-3 weeks to submit an internal application, and then it takes about 3-4 weeks to recruit reviewers, have them look over the applications, and schedule a review panel meeting. We also try to leave a few weeks between the date we notify the selected applicant(s) and the sponsor deadline so that the applicant(s) have enough time to prepare their proposal for submission to the sponsor.
Since the short turnarounds for these DOE FOAs don't allow us enough time to go through our normal process, we are wondering what other institutions do in cases like these?
Thank you,
Alice Zhang
Limited Submissions Coordinator
University of Oklahoma
Office of Research Services
Five Partners Place
201 Stephenson Pkwy
Norman, OK 73019
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