Ms. Charna K. Howson, MA
Director, Sponsored Programs
Office of Research and Innovation
Appalachian State University
POB 32174, 385 JET Bldg.
287 Rivers Street
Boone, NC 28608-2068
828-262-7311 (Office)
828-262-2641 (Fax)
(She, Her, Hers, Charna)
1) The Sponsored Programs unit is currently operating under a staffing shortage with high volumes of proposal submissions and awards to process. If I don’t respond to your email within 48 hours, please resend. If you still don’t receive a response within another 24 hours, please reach out to my supervisor Christine Hendren ( ). We appreciate your patience during this time.
2) Routing proposals in Cayuse for internal approvals should start with draft documents 15 calendar days prior to the sponsor's deadline and must be completed before proposal submission. Your assigned grant manager will assist you with this process in Cayuse.
3.) Send me secure files using this link: