This is going to be just as much fun as the new fillable forms they required January 30th which were both BROKEN in the first release of the biosketch and CPS.

The forced migration into SciENcv in the same year and the complications with the ORCID data is just going to annoy my NSF submitters more than ever.




From: <> On Behalf Of Scott, Stephanie
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 2:17 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]

I just logged in to SciENcv, and it appears that they made changes today. They added “Manage MyBibliography” so the user does not have to exit out of SciENcv to manually add citations into the biosketch. See screen shot, I’m telling you this was not there yesterday, only “Add Product” was there:



However, after adding a citation, a user would still be confused and lost as to how to get back into SciENcv. Oy…..





Ph: 212-854-0606

Work Cell: 646-248-8573


From: <> On Behalf Of Vicki Krell
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 5:02 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


We had the exact same issue with the position info dropping one listing and duplicating another. The PI has been working closely with the help desk at NCBI and they still can’t get it to work. He said that most recently he’s been having other random glitches and wonders whether it’s because he’s using a “non-Microsoft” browser.


The issue I had earlier this week when creating a new Bio for a PI who hadn’t used SciENcv before was that when I printed the PDF draft, it had eliminated the 3 most recent position postings and showed her primary position at the top of the page as “Associate Professor” instead of “Regents’ Professor.” Only a minor difference! 🙄🤐🤬


Vicki Krell, CRA

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Assistant Director, Research Advancement

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Arizona State University

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From: <> On Behalf Of Gretchen R Stein
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 1:48 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


I have a faculty member who has 32 pubs listed in My Bibliography but when we try to add pubs to the NSF biosketch, there are only 9 to choose from.  I submitted a ticket to the helpdesk and received the exact same response.  That was on Sept 8th.

Today, I have a faculty member whose Professional Preparation looks correct when we are in the working template, but when we export the PDF, we either get one item that is duplicated or something that is omitted.



Gretchen Stein, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Dean of Research Development & Operations
College of Science
Louisiana State University
124 Hatcher Hall, Baton Rouge, LA  70803
office 225-578-4001 | |

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From: <> On Behalf Of Scott, Stephanie
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 2:06 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


Wanted to revisit this thread…..are folks still having technical glitches in SciENcv when creating an NSF biosketch since they did the user interface upgrade in mid-August?


One of the issues I might have brought up earlier has been posted as a notification in

“Due to a SciENcv technical issue with the NSF Biographical Sketch, users should upload publications manually at NIH is working to resolve this issue.” This means that if you do not want to use ORCID to populate publications, and need to add them manually, you have to EXIT out of SciENcv, and add them manually into MyBibliography. As you probably know, MyBibliography was designed for NIH-awardees, not NSF applicants, so they are not familiar with that system. It was easier to train and explain MyBibliography when you didn’t have to exit out of SciENcv.


I just had a new situation where a researcher selected ORCID as the external source to initiate the biosketch, got weird auto-populations that didn’t originate from her ORCID account (a line in two sections that said “TODO”), then couldn’t edit them out or be able to certify the document. As a result, she had to start all over again with a blank biosketch. We put in a ticket to the help desk, and we were told “We are working to resolve the issue. We will contact you once the issue is resolved. Currently, there is no official timeline for when this error will be fixed.”


This has me concerned about the 10/23/23 mandate to use SciENcv only for NSF biosketches and C&P. I wanted to hear from others to know if you are experiencing similar issues. Thank you.



Stephanie F. Scott, MS, CRA

Director of Policy and Research Development

Columbia University & Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Main Campus: (212) 854-0606

Cell Phone: (646) 248-8573





From: <> On Behalf Of Betcher, Gina
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:09 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


Goes without saying the lost function will not only impact NSF biosketch, but the NIH biosketch, too.


Gina Betcher, Research Coordinator

College of Liberal Arts


From: <> On Behalf Of Wood, Roger
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 12:00 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Re: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]

FYI, I believe that the ORCID Biography & Keywords data pulling into Synergistic Activities in SciENcv NSF biosketches will be ending soon. FWIW.



Roger Wood

Associate Vice President


OFFICE +1 518.713.4250


A picture containing drawing

Description automatically generated


From: <> on behalf of Jeanne Viviani <>
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 2:47 PM
To: <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] Re: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue

This is true, but I think if Faculty took time to standardized the data in ORCid, the functionality of generating something will improve.

As we know, standardized CVs is an oxymoron... 

I do like SciENcv as the fixes I had to do were not onerous, but that is coming from a systems geek!

Why you can't map a Country field though seems to me to be a very basic thing


Jeanne M Viviani

Research Administration Professional. 

Strategic Leader. 

Continuous Improvement Nerd. 

Personal Wellness Coach.

From: <> on behalf of Cao, Susan <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:37 PM
To: <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


So much for reducing administrative burden?  We now have online systems instead of Word documents or fillable templates, but they still do not talk to each other correctly.




From: <> On Behalf Of Jeanne Viviani
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 11:28 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Re: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]


NLM responded to me and it isn't pretty....


First, they commented the following when I said that ORCid and SciENcv fields are not mapped

"ORCID, it does not necessarily match/map to the fields in SciENcv precisely. For example: optional fields, character limitations, etc. You may wish to create a master document in SciENcv that holds all of your information and create copies based on the original to edit."


I'm sorry but shouldn't biosketches be created unique to certain solicitations because they are asking for those projects that are most aligned with goals of the proposal. And a master that holds it all? That's ORCid right?....

Anyway, then the next issue...


That even though I went through extensive trouble to put in my ORCid the country, the state, the this and that, it STILL isn't mapped to SciENcv.


They said, " If the data fields do not match precisely, for example: US (ORCID) and United States (SciENcv), the error will occur."


We do not have control over the data fields so what this says it will continue to create an error that will require the faculty or proxy to go in and fix it all the time.


Finally, I sent them my use case (me... and how it was pulling my bio as part of the synergistic activities)

They said, "Regarding Synergistic Activities pulling from your biography, PAPPG states, "...examples that demonstrates the broader impact of the individual’s professional and scholarly activities that focus on the integration and transfer of knowledge as well as its creation." ( This would include anything that appears in the the ORCID biography section since it would be considered a summary. Please note, that this field is editable or can be deleted in SciENcv. 


So just be aware my friends that SciENcv may relieve some administrative burden on the formatting and such, but it still a long way off of point/click/generate.

As the format changes, saving an iteration of a biosketch isn't going to help. It is only saving it in the format you generated it in. 


Happy Pre-Awarding My Friends!

Jeanne M Viviani

Research Administration Professional. 

Strategic Leader. 

Continuous Improvement Nerd. 

Personal Wellness Coach.

From: <> on behalf of Scott, Stephanie <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 3:33 PM
To: <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


I just wanted to send an update on what I wrote earlier below.


It appears the user interface in SciENcv to create the NSF biosketch was just updated. I knew NLM was planning to update the interface (they announced that in a webinar a couple of months ago), and it looks like it happened within the past week. I just sat with a faculty member going through it and we uncovered some bugs.


So as an FYI…..I think there are some kinks presently being worked out. In particular there doesn’t seem to be a way to manually add publications into MyBibliography from within SciENcv like you were able to do before the upgrade.



Ph: 212-854-0606

Work Cell: 646-248-8573


From: <> On Behalf Of Scott, Stephanie
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 1:33 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] RE: ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


Please do share how NLM responds. I also have had some frustrating issues concerning the integration between ORCID and SciENcv that I cannot figure out. I wrote NLM and did not get a clear answer as to why products (publications) are not appearing in the same format as publications populating from MyBibliography.


With regards to COUNTRY, that became a required add-on earlier this year, in January. There is an API that pulls in the ORCID data into SciENcv, so I am guessing that maybe the API wasn’t updated. I could be wrong.


I’d love to know who at your institutions is providing SciENcv support to your faculty and research administrators. If they need support, do you send them to your libraries? Central sponsored projects administration? Their departmental/grants administrators? Or do you send them straight to the SciENcv/NLM help desk?



Stephanie F. Scott, MS, CRA

Director of Policy and Research Development

Columbia University & Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Main Campus: (212) 854-0606

Cell Phone: (646) 248-8573





From: <> On Behalf Of Jeanne Viviani
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 1:12 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [RESADM-L] ORCid and SciENcv Functional Issue


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I'm out there screaming from the rooftops to PIs about SciENcv use in I have tested my own account a LOT and I noticed something frustrating. 


I have an ORCid which has all my particulars to the gritty level and I have ORCid connected to SciENcv, but when I go to generate a new NSF Biosketch, it leaves out critical information that I have to spend time RE-ENTERING on the new form (like country and all)! Ugh! I can imagine this will be a complaint of PIs later. 


I'm using myself as a Guinea pig here (sorry, I didn't have time to go through IACUC!). See my screenshots of the errors. 

I have submitted a ticket to National Library of Medicine, but I wanted to share to see if others have had similar issues with linking ORCid to SciENcv.


I already had Country, State and Degree in ORCid so why isn't SciENcv pulling it in? 


I already have my current institution indicated, but this is saying it isn't my current, plus, I still have to enter country AND state again here even though I have the city and state???


I would seriously be annoyed if I were a PI and we ALL know what that means!!??


Jeanne M Viviani

Research Administration Professional. 

Strategic Leader. 

Continuous Improvement Nerd. 

Personal Wellness Coach.

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