That line highlighted right there is why we flatten the salaries by totaling them over the project period and divide that number by the number of years on NIH proposals.
From: <>
On Behalf Of Kirsten Torguson
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Question on Calculating Award reductions
[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]
I might call the GMO to ask how they calculated the reduction. For example, on one award,
NIH cut the salary escalations for future years, but mis-calculated how the sub budgeted their increases (for people who were only budgeted in the second year). We were able to have a portion of that
cut reinstated. If you're able to reach the agency it doesn't hurt to ask. Kirsten
On Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 1:08 PM Tammy Jobes <> wrote:
We received an NIH award that was reduced approximately 17.2%. For the subaward, do you calculate what their share would be according to the original amount submitted, or what is recorded by NIH on the NoA (and does that number include/consider indirects)?
For example;
Requested total amount prime: $546,883
Awarded total Amount prime: $452,925
Requested Amount Sub: $159,424
Award to Sub: Original -17.2% = 132,003.08 (or, to confuse things further, the original direct was $108,918, which reduced 17.2% is $90,184 with their indirect rate would be $139,785.37
Amount listed on NoA for sub: $119,708
Or is there something glaringly obvious with my math that I’m missing (which is entirely possible….) Thank you!!!!
Tammy L. Jobes, DBA
Sponsored Projects Administrator | Research
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Kirsten Torguson, MS, CRA
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