

I uploaded one a few weeks ago that was a macro-enabled excel file containing the budget & budget narrative.  Is this the type of file you uploaded?



/Mark Lynam/


From: <> On Behalf Of Anne Schauer
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] OVW Application in JustGrants


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Hi Meg:


I can confirm that the only budget is the narrative. We have submitted and received an award for this program in the past and are submitting again for this round. The narrative format they require also includes spreadsheet type information—they have just combined both into a single required document.


So…no need to worry!



On May 9, 2023, at 12:23 PM, Meg St. Clair <> wrote:


Hi, all,


As usual, I am panicking a bit. I just submitted a DOJ OVW Campus Grant through JustGrants. This is the first time anyone at our institution has submitted anything through JustGrants. 


If anyone else has submitted one, can you confirm that the only budget is the narrative? It didn't seem to require/allow me to enter a budget the way one would in say, ASSIST. 


I reviewed our submission from three years ago that was done in and didn't see anything. But it just feels weird. 



Meg St. Clair, CRA

Assistant Director, Pre-Award Services

Saint Joseph's University

Office: 215-596-7516

Cell: 215-806-0952

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Anne P. Schauer, M.A., CRA

Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

Miami University

Office of Research and Innovation

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Oxford, OH 45056-4125

Phone:  (513) 529-3735

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