Hi Grant Administrators,


I am a departmental administrator and my department is gearing up for submitting a T32 postdoctoral trainee renewal application to the NIH.  There are these “fun” data tables that are a required component of the application.  We have the option of creating some of these tables within the xTRACT system in eRA Commons but we can also use the MS Word templates found here: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms-g/data-tables.htm


Currently I just use xTRACT for Table 8 since it’s required for the annual RPPRs.  I haven’t started using the other functionality in xTRACT that could build some of the other tables needed for the renewal proposal.


So, I have a few questions for those of you who have recently submitted or will be submitting a T32 application sometime soon:


Thanks so much for your thoughts!








Terri White-Jones (she/her)

Senior Grant Administrator

Health Outcomes and Behavior

Moffitt Cancer Center

12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612 | tel:  813-745-7457 | fax:  813-449-8221 | email: xxxxxx@moffitt.org


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