Hi Brenda,


UArizona does not use an accrual system, but there was some exploration in the process recently and I would be glad to share a few nuggets on a call if you would like. One of the biggest takeways is that switching may be a difficult process with your cognizant agency that approves your rates. I’d recommend you start with your rate studies group and that agency to determine if they will even entertain it, or if they would negotiate a structure that is financially disadvantageous to you for making a switch (such as the cognizant agency undercutting the rate in negotiations that you will need to establish for full recovery).





Marcel Villalobos

Assistant Director, Postaward Services

Sponsored Projects Services

The University of Arizona

Email: xxxxxx@arizona.edu | Phone/VM: (520) 626-6311


From: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org> On Behalf Of Leuenberger, Brenda K.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 3:02 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [EXT][RESADM-L] PTO charged to grants: Accrual v. Cash


External Email

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Missouri is inquiring about charging grants for paid time off when the time is accrued by employees rather than when the employee is paid for their time used through their paycheck.  We currently charge grants when time is used through their payroll.  However, we are exploring switching to a new model in which grants would be charged at the time the leave is accrued and there would be no charge to the grant for time that the leave is used.  The switch to accrual vs cash method of paid time off would occur at a point in time going forward leaving past balances unfunded. 


Additionally, the new leave plan design has a PTO limit of 2x max accrual however only 10 days can be paid out upon separation from the University.  We have inquired about factoring in a forfeiture of time for employees with more than 10 days at separation in order to determine a fair rate to charge but have not gotten a clear answer or understanding on whether that would be allowed for grants. 


Therefore, we would like to hear about what other institutions are doing.


Thank you for your input! 


Brenda Leuenberger  

Associate Director, Pre-Award | Authorized Signing Official

Sponsored Programs Administration

601 Turner Avenue | Turner Avenue Garage – Room 201| Columbia MO 65211

O: (573)882-8307 | E: xxxxxx@missouri.edu
W: https://research.missouri.edu/sponsored-programs-administration 


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