Hello all,
I am working to help our procurement team, and am trying to help put together a resource of the basic terms that are required to flow-down to vendor/consultant contracts and/or in bid announcements (RFPs) for non-subaward/subcontract transactions
(those that do truly meet the vendor contract definition in the UG). I have the base list from the CFR appendices, but am also trying to help compile for them a list of resources per sponsor. Before I start from scratch, checking to see if anyone else has
found a resource (or created one) that I could utilize in this project!
Here is the base CFR:
eCFR :: Appendix II to Part 200, Title 2 -- Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards
Thank you!
Sarah S Martonick
Interim Director, Sponsored Programs
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3020
Moscow ID 83844-3020
Team emails: xxxxxx@uidaho.edu,
xxxxxx@uidaho.edu, xxxxxx@uidaho.edu,
*Please leave a voice-message if I am unable to answer your call. This ensures that I can provide you with a timely response.
VERAS: https://veras.uidaho.edu
Sponsored Project information page:
Departmental Grant Administrators (uidaho.edu)
Advance notice: I will be out of the office and not responding to emails for Thanksgiving closure from 11/23 – 11/28/2022. The University of Idaho is closed 11/24 and 11/25/22.
On 11/23 or 11/28: please contact Heather Clark (Assistant Director, Sponsored Accounting), Vicki Russell (Lead for OSP Post Award team), or Eric Everett (Lead for OSP Pre-award team) for assistance if your need is urgent on one of these