Sign me up.

Jeryl Martin-Hannibal, MA
Contract Administrator, AGNR Pre-Award Services (AgPas)
University of Maryland, College Park
3309 Symons Hall
College Park, MD 20742-5515
Office: 301.314.1052

ANSC | Veterinary Medicine

AgPAS Proposal Forms:  

From: <> On Behalf Of Hoffman, Jenifer Marie
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2022 10:30 AM
To: List, Research <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] RACC Newsletter -- Believe it or Not!




First, thank you for your help with the RACC Newsletter.  Our Research Admin group never disappoints!  


I know that we all have stories to share.  This is your time to share your story.  You know what I mean.  When that faculty comes in and yells, "Just submit the proposal.  What does it matter to you what the budget includes?"   This is the one place where research administrators from all over can laugh, cry, and sympathize. We have all been there!   Please send me your story by emailing me at  


Also, if you want to receive the RACC Quarterly newsletter please feel free to use this email address with the subject line, "Sign me up".



Thank you!





Jenifer M. Hoffman,  CRA®, CPRA® 
Director of Grants & Contracts,

Center for Nursing Research

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
The Pennsylvania State University

201 Nursing Sciences Building 

University Park, PA 16802-7000  
(814) 865-9337 


From: <> on behalf of Hoffman, Jenifer Marie <>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2022 1:53 PM
To: List, Research <>
Subject: [RESADM-L] RACC Newsletter -- September 25 Research Administration Day


Hello,  RACC is sending a special addition newsletter on September 25.  We want to hear from you.  Please respond to one of these questions below and you may see your quote in our Newsletter.  Please send your response to  Thank you in advance for your help.


“What does it mean to you to be a Research Administrator?”


“Why do we do what we do?”


“What do you like most about being a Research Administrator?”


“What would you tell someone looking to get into the field?”




Jenifer M. Hoffman,  CRA®, CPRA® 
Director of Grants & Contracts,

Center for Nursing Research

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
The Pennsylvania State University

201 Nursing Sciences Building 

University Park, PA 16802-7000  
(814) 865-9337 


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Sandra Nola
Director Administrative Services
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CELL: 240-463-0266

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