Good morning,
Does anyone have a good template(pivot table) they would be willing to share that reflects a PI’s burn rate for grants? I used one in my old institution but did not create it.
Tara M. Sadera, CRA
Pre-Award Specialist, Office of Research Development
Fiscal Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs
Montana State University
From: <>
On Behalf Of Kris Wolff
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2022 9:58 AM
To: Research Administration Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] New to Research Administration
**External Sender**
Yes, to piggyback on this "no need to reinvent the wheel", research administrators are big on sharing! I've got forms, policies and review matrices (for internal competitions) that were all adapted from things
shared with me by colleagues like the ones here on RESADM-L. You're never going to be alone, Jaden, the community has your back!
On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 11:52 AM Amihere, Patrick S - patrick.amihere at (via resadm-l list) <> wrote:
Hello Jaden,
Welcome!! I think you have asked the right question which leads me to believe that you are curious. And that is part of the mindset that can make you successful in this field.
You will be seen as the subject matter expert because most of your faculty, administration, staff, students etc. would be coming to you for answers. And you will learn quickly that “It Depends” would be the best way to begin addressing questions. The only other thing I will say is that being kind, empathetic, tactful, professional skepticism, and patient are some of the attributes that would be helpful for success.
And feel free to reach out with any questions, no need to reinvent the wheel. Wishing you all the best!
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
E: || O: (618) 453-4541 || C: (443) 470-2681 || W:
From: <> On Behalf Of Lisa Ferguson
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2022 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: [RESADM-L] New to Research Administration
[EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT]: Verify sender before opening links or attachments.
This is perfect, Sherie!!! Thank you for sharing! I need to post this by my computer. 😉 Especially the multiple browsers and clearing the cache and cookies part! Lol.
Normal Work Hours: 6:30am – 2:30pm Pacific
From: <> On Behalf Of Sherie Donahue
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2022 8:21 AM
To: Research Administration Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] New to Research Administration
CAUTION: This email originated from outside the Allen Institute. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you've validated the sender and know the content is safe.
Hi Jaden,
Welcome to research administration, the field where most answers start with, 'It depends..." In all seriousness, it will probably take you at least 2 years to feel like you are understanding everything. That is NORMAL. Whether or not research administration is right for you is something that you will need to decide, However, I can say with confidence that there are many different backgrounds in research administration. It is not your background that matters, but how you decide to proceed.
I left this advice for my successor a few years ago and thought it might be helpful for you too.
- “I want to grow up and be a research
- administrator,” said no
- one ever. Most of us learned
- on the job and you will too.
- Listservs are a powerful learning
- tool and a great way to access the research administration community at large.
- Know that as soon as you get everything
- figured out, something will change.
- It is ok to ask why.
- It is ok to ask for help.
- It is ok to ask the same question
- more than once.
- You can learn a lot by truly listening.
- Learn what is important and what
- you can let go.
- A sincere customer service attitude
- goes a long way.
- Be curious.
- Understand the hows and the whys
- behind policies and regulations.
- Be willing to learn. If you don’t
- know the answer, admit it to the investigators and tell them you will find out. Follow through and they will respect you for that.
- If you tell an investigator no,
- give them the why behind the no. Better yet, offer an alternative (it can’t be done that way, but you can do this).
- Get to know more than your researchers’
- names.
- Know the difference between PI
- and co-I.
- Get all the facts before coming
- to a conclusion.
- Keep at least three different browsers
- on your computer and know how to clear the cache and cookies in all of them.
- Understand the technical issues
- behind what went wrong with a submission so that you will be prepared for the next time.
- Be adaptable. Be adaptable. Be
- adaptable. Did I mention be adaptable? Remember Murphy’s law and that Murphy was an optimist.
- Keep your sense of humor.
- Trust me, you will need
- it!
- Finally, do the job in your own
- style, not mine.
Sherie Donahue
Research Integrity Analyst, UCR
On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 7:51 AM Ringley, Jaden <> wrote:
Hello all!
I just recently started a job as a Sponsored Projects Specialist in the central office of one of the top 25 most funded universities in the US. My role consists of about 70% Post Award and 30% Pre-Award as the contact for my assigned school of medicine departments. Since it is a larger university, there is 7 teams compromised of anywhere from 3-5 SPS’ each that specialize in different areas and work with different departments. Fortunately the portfolio I am responsible for actually submits the majority of their proposals through a specialized unit who only works on school of medicine proposals, which leaves me with (at most) 8-10 proposals a month.
My background is in higher education accounting, and I am just wondering if this is the right path for me?
I have read mixed reviews on the field. Some say it’s great for anyone that has an analytical mind and wants a challenge; and others say it’s hard to make the switch for someone with an accounting background. Some say it’s a sustainable, long term 9-5 and others speak of working 12 hours days and on weekends.
So, I’d like to just hear any input from you and your experience! What are the hours like, workload, long term sustainability, are days filled with reading policies, etc.?
Jaden Ringley | Sponsored Projects Specialist, Office of Sponsored Programs
UNC Chapel Hill |Phone : (919) 962-5943
- = - = - = - = - = - = -
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Kris Wolff, MA, CRA (she/her)
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Co-Director, University Research Compliance Council
Research Compliance Officer
The best/fastest way to reach me is by email.
Do you have questions about research administration policies at Fordham?
Download the
Fordham External Awards Manual!
- = - = - = - = - = - = -
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