

Has anyone ever encountered a situation similar to ours where DHHS sent an email allowing us to our provisional rate for 7/1/2021-6/30/22 in April of 2021, then on the proposal which was emailed (not an official letter agreement yet)  was 1% less starting 7/1/2021-6/30/22 nearly at the end of the fiscal year?


All our budgets at this point are at the 1% more based on the original agreement using provisional rates and all budgets are approved using the old rates. 


I would like to know what any one else would do in a situation like this and whether you would true up fringe benefits for the fiscal year  based on what was approved by agency or reduce all benefits by the 1%  as what was proposed by DHHS for this fiscal year?


Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,

Adriana Alicea

Office of Sponsored Programs Accounting & Reporting Manager



Budget & Financial Services

3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211

(209) 946-3002|xxxxxx@pacific.edu