Anyone know how to resolve a 186 error? We‘ve followed all of the help pages.  Voicemail or email is all I can find at Dept of Ed for assistance. No response.

Anyone have another help desk number? Thanks!


On May 6, 2022, at 11:58 AM, Margarita M Cardona <> wrote:

This has to do with the numbers you entered for “Replacing lost revenue from all sources” Question 9b and the total of all loss of revenue sources in Question 9c. The total in 9c needs to add up to the number you entered in that line in 9b. There may be a typo somewhere that makes the numbers not match.


Margarita M. Cardona, CRA

Assistant Provost for Sponsored Research

University of Baltimore


From: <> On Behalf Of Gilmore, Donna
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2022 11:45 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Validation Error on HEERF


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I am receiving this validation error on the HEERF report.  Does anyone have any advice?


HEERF-181 - The sum of estimates across all sources of lost revenue does not equal the sum of expenditures to recover lost revenue across all program funds,


I think this is saying that the total expenditures and the lost revenue  must be equal?  This does not make sense because according to our Finance & Accounting team, the total expenditures are not all lost revenue.


I’ve written and called the program officer and help desk.  No responses so far.


Donna Gilmore, MS

Director of Research & Sponsored Programs

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Florida Gulf Coast University

MOD IV Room 17

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Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565


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