The Office of Research Administration (ORA)
has several vacancies within the division of Sponsored Programs Administration. In addition to staff turnover and promotions, we are expanding this division to better position ourselves as we grow our research portfolio.
Downstate traces its roots to 1860, the year the first medical school class graduated from what was then the Long Island College Hospital Collegiate
Division. The class was small �C only 21 members �C
but the vision was large, and the future was bright. The new school was hospital-based and would teach physicians in a way that had not been done before. The result is an institution that has grown, prospered, and contributed much to the nation and the world.
Today, SUNY Downstate
is a major medical university with five professional schools and a vibrant hospital and medical practice. It is also an economic catalyst for Brooklyn, New York City, and New York State. We have trained more physicians practicing in Brooklyn and New York City
than any other medical school, and we boast the most diverse student body and faculty to be found anywhere.
Remote and/or hybrid work schedules will be considered.
RF Employees Enjoy Better Benefits!
The RF ranks among the top five in most benefits based on a recent survey
of its peer groups including active employee and post�\retirement health insurance.
The RF’s investment in its employees go well beyond competitive salary. The
total value of your personal benefits package is summarized for you annually.
Sharon L. Sealy, Executive Director / Deputy Operations Manager
Office of Research Administration
RF SUNY @ Downstate Health Sciences University
450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11233
office / 917-727-6074 cell
Charlene Butcher, Executive Assistant
718-270-2680 office
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