Yes, prior authorization is required in this situation. Not because of the 25% rule, but because the PI will be away from the project for more then three months.

Shawn Tucker

Research Program Coordinator

Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Superfund Research Center

Pacific Northwest Center for Translational Environmental Health Research 

Oregon State University

1011 ALS

Corvallis, OR 97331

541-737-0908 (office)

541-231-9473 (cell)

On Feb 18, 2022, at 9:51 AM, Matthew Katz <> wrote:

[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]

Hello again,

One of my PI’s is going on a 6 month sabbatical and is reducing his effort on his NIH award down to 5% but claims that he will be making up the time upon his return so that annual effort will not be reduced by 25% or more.  Is this allowed? Are the requirements to report a reduction of effort by more than 25% based on the annual effort or any effort during the course of the grant budget period?


So do we have to report because his effort will significantly go down during the 6 months but overall will remain the same (by averaging) or because it will remain the same overall (over the whole year) it is not seen as a reduction requiring prior approval?





Matthew D. Katz, MHA

Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs

And Contracts Management

Western University of Health Sciences

309 E. 2nd Street

Pomona, CA 91766-1854

Phone: 909-469-5567

Cell Phone: 909-771-6731

FAX: 909-469-5569


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