I am seeking individuals who have experience and availability to serve as an independent contractor on a set of pre-award and possibly post-award functions at Augsburg University.
Ideal candidates are
—located in the greater Twin Cities area (Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota)
—hold a CRA or equivalent (such as the University of Minnesota’s SPECTRUM training)
—experience with TRIO funding applications (especially McNair)
If you have a mix of these qualities or other qualities and are interested to learn more, please send your resume (or CV) to
xxxxxx@augsburg.edu and 1-2 paragraphs about your
interest and background.
Thank you!
Lauren Causey, PhD, CRA
Director of Research Programs
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Augsburg University
Campus Box 136 | Memorial Hall 212
2211 Riverside Ave. | Minneapolis, MN 55454
Voicemail: 612-330-1184
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