Let’s start with a standard disclaimer.


This is not to be construed as tax advice nor guidance for your specific circumstances. Please consult your tax advisor.




Incentives and taxes:


For non-employees you can take advantage of the Business Gift Tax exclusion which is $25 per year (last set in 1986 I believe). Amounts  above that are taxable to the recipient but not reportable by your institution until you have paid $600 or more in aggregate per calendar year (1099M Other). The value is calculated as the fair market value of whatever is given, not your acquisition cost. Cash is obviously dollar for dollar.


It is possible that some prizes may not be able to be valued in whole or part and that can be documented. Examples may be get a picture with xyz, or dinner with xyz. Only the valued portion would be reportable.


For employees – beyond the Business Gift Tax exclusion, its W-2 taxable through payroll. You may have an administrative burden exception in certain cases such as a departmental lunch (also can be excluded in other ways). Gift cards are treated as cash and at face value.


Get W-9s for the Chromebooks.



Bob Swanson, CPA


Bowling Green State University

1851 N. Research Drive

Bowling Green, Ohio 43403



w 419.372.8597






On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 9:40 AM Scott Teasdale <xxxxxx@emich.edu> wrote:

Good morning all, 


I have an additional question in regards to offering incentives for vaccines. Is your institution withholding taxes for any incentives provided? For example, if you held a drawing for Chromebooks open for students who get vaccinated, has your institution taxed students for those prizes?





Scott Teasdale

Senior Pre-Award Sponsored Projects Officer 

Office of Research Development and Administration

Eastern Michigan University

200 Boone Hall

Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

(734) 487-3090




On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 8:05 PM Tonja Moore <xxxxxx@fiu.edu> wrote:

For those institutions that are offering incentives to students, or students, faculty and staff, are you using HEERF institutional funds to provide these incentives?  The question has arose if you can also provide the incentive if the student provides proof of vaccination but it was BEFORE the announcement of the incentive. 


Can you tell me how you have implemented it if you are providing the incentive and using HEERF funding?  Thanks.



Tonja Moore

Associate Vice President for Research

Office of Research and Economic Development

Florida International University

11200 SW 8th St.

MARC 430

Miami, FL  33199

(305) 348-3049 (office)

(305) 348-4117 (fax)



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