I'd appreciate hearing about how others are handling AOR/SO as well.



    KATI CHIPPS | Director of Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance (SPARC)

    UNC Wilmington622 MacMillian Avenue | Wilmington, NC 28403-5973

    910.962.3810 | xxxxxx@uncw.edu


  UNC Respect Compact     SPARC Submission Process      RAMSES     SPARC Website       Departmental Assignments


From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HRINET.ORG> on behalf of Newton, Debbie <xxxxxx@UTULSA.EDU>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 10:42 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Signature Authority - Proposal/Award Signatures

[This email originated from outside of UNCW]



I have been asked to reach out to the research administration community to see how others handle signatures on proposals/awards.  If you have a chance, please provide input on the questions below.  Feel free to forward to me directly at xxxxxx@utulsa.edu or you can contact me at 918-631-2192.


1.            Who has signature authority, what it the level of signature authority ($), and it is different on proposals vs awards/agreements?

2.            Are signatures on proposals handled differently than signatures on awards/agreements?  If so, how/when are signatures/approvals obtained?

3.            How do you handle obtaining the proper signature/approvals on unilateral awards (i.e. is the signature on the proposal considered the contractual signature/approval or do you document the award signature separately from the proposal signature)?


Thanks in advance for your time!




Debbie Newton

Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

The University of Tulsa

800 S Tucker Drive

Tulsa, OK  74104



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