Hi Dan,

Though not one page in length (three max), Lehigh University has a research futures investment program for internal grants. Specifically, we have Community Building and Ideation Grants which you can find here on our Research Futures website.

Happy to discuss these further if you have any questions.


On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 12:46 PM Nordquist, Daniel G <xxxxxx@lists.hrinet.org> wrote:

Hi all.  I would love to see any of your internally funded program grant applications (and any RFP or website guidelines you have with that application), but only the simple ones – the one pagers where a PI says “wow, that was easy”…. but with enough detail a reviewer can reasonably come up with a thumbs up to fund or a thumbs down to deny.


I have seen many of these pitches for fast grants, urgent grants, instant grants, quick grants that are funded mostly by non-fed. sponsors, but I am betting some of you have these easy grant applications (and RFPs) already done and more suited to what we normally see and expect as research institutions.


Thanks in advance…


Dan Nordquist

Associate Vice President for Research and Deputy Vice President for Operations

Office of Research

Washington State University

Lighty, Room 280

P.O. Box 641060

Pullman, WA 99164-1060




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Cynthia J. Kane
Assistant Vice President
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Lehigh University
526 Brodhead Avenue 
Bethlehem, PA  18015
Phone:  (610) 758-3019;  FAX:  (610) 758-5994

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