Sponsored Programs is still open, but all staff are working remotely. We look forward to providing you with continued professional services during these trying times and appreciate your patience. Since events are changing rapidly, please check your emails for updates and visit the Office of Research website.Please continue to route proposals in AGrants (https://appstate.myresearchonline.org/ramses) to assure campus approvals are in place prior to the sponsor's deadline, attaching "good working drafts" of your budget, project narrative and program guidelines to expedite the process. Your departmental grants manager can provide guidance/assistance as needed.
Kerri McCaffrey
Appalachian State University
Manager: Sponsored Programs & Conflict of Interest
Sponsored Programs
ASU Box# 32174
287 Rivers Street, Suite 382
Boone, NC 28608-2174
(828) 262-6583
(828) 262-2641; fax
Society of Research Administrators, International
Secretary, NC Chapter
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