And here's a link to the relevant regs if anyone wants/needs it:


On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 3:11 PM Betcher, Gina <> wrote:



I was just reviewing the Research Terms and Conditions Appendix A Prior Approval Matrix, dating form November 12, 2020, where it states: Carry-forward of unobligated balances to subsequent budget periods is waived.

It also states you need prior approval if you want to change from participant support to another category.

For your reference, here’s the RT&C Appendix A:



Gina Betcher, MFA, CPRA

Sponsored Program Officer

Office of Research Administration

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From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HRINET.ORG> On Behalf Of Michele Davis
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:00 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Carryover of NSF funds


This email originated from outside ECU.


We are in the process of completing the first budget period for our first-ever multiyear NSF grant. We were not able to spend all of the funds for participants, and want to be able to increase our number of participants this year using both the new budgeted amount and the unused budgeted amounts (making sure they stay within the same buckets/line items). With other federal grant agencies, such as HRSA, we always have a carryover process for funds. I looked in the PPAPG and cannot find any rules on unused funds carrying over into other years.


Anyone know where we can get information about this process or if it is automatically rolled over, etc.?





Michele R. Davis (she, her, hers)

Executive Director of Sponsored Programs and Grant Development

Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)


Advancement Office

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Amanda Modrovsky, MA

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 - Office hours by appointment -

Wilkes University

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 Phone: (570) 408-5534

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