Here it is.  Excellent document. -- alwf

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 11:37 AM Gardner, Barbara <> wrote:

Can someone either send the doc to me or se upload it?  I missed it and can’t find a copy on the listserv



Barbara Gardner, AOR

Associate Director, Pre-award Research Administration

Tufts University



We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.  Aristotle Onassis


From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HRINET.ORG> On Behalf Of Jim Peters
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Remote Work




Within your attached document I found the following:


Productivity Accountability

            How do we define productivity?

            How do we measure productivity and impact?

            What kind of metrics do we have to have vs want to have?

            Who are reporting metrics up to?

            How do we use metrics for workload distribution?

            What implications, challenges or concerns does expanded hybrid remote have on productivity?


I'm very curious to know the metrics that institutions are using to track productivity. So are folks looking at things like:


Submission volume across the institution / team

Execution of activities within the system 



And were folks tracking these before the pandemic, and if so did things get better / worse?


Appreciate any thoughts / feedback.





On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:39 AM Rhea,Lacey N <> wrote:


I'm so impressed with the approach your unit/institution is taking on this topic!  The document you provided is very thoughtful and I think many who seek to have these conversations at their own institutions will find it very helpful.

"We have an open-dialogue, high trust culture in OCG" - assuming the staff agree with this assessment, this is an amazing accomplishment.  A culture like that takes time to build, and requires the right kind of leaders.  What would you say were the major contributors to creating this type of environment (or maintaining it, if it existed before your tenure there)?

"One key for me is that I think remote work is going to expand for Research Administration . . . and we want to keep our amazing staff even as other opportunities from out of state come their way." - I agree with this prediction and it is a major reason I'm pushing the topic so much in my own circles.  Recruitment in our field is already incredibly difficult.  An institution (or even a unit within an institution) that falls behind on this trend will suffer greatly.

Thank you for your contributions to improving the experience of our profession.  I encourage you to continue sharing out on this listserv as your journey unfolds.  The more we normalize these topics, the more positive our culture will become.

Take care!
Lacey |RA Manager|Physics|Phone: 352-294-3072|Email: P Think before you print!

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Alexa Van Dalsem
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 9:06 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Remote Work

[External Email]

Hi Deborah -

Our institution and our department are having a lot of conversations around the topic of the future of remote work. CU Boulder is working on institutional guiding principles. My department - Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) - had a hybrid workplace before the pandemic, and we're now discussing expanded hybrid. We just kicked of conversations with staff around remote work. We have an open-dialogue, high trust culture in OCG so involving staff is possible, and we think necessary to make remote work work for everyone, including more staff working 100% remote (depending on business needs and personal preference).

I've attached OCG's Planning for the Future Version of Remote work document. A colleague and are co-leading this effort for OCG. We hope to have plans sorted out by June/July.

One key for me is that I think remote work is going to expand for Research Administration . . . and we want to keep our amazing staff even as other opportunities from out of state come their way.

Happy to discuss more - it's a topic near and dear to my heart!


Alexa Van Dalsem, MA, CRA
Deputy Director, AFSO
Office of Contracts and Grants
3100 Marine Street, 4th Floor | 572 UCB
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0572
O 303 735 6525


Date:    Wed, 17 Mar 2021 23:39:19 +0000
From:    "Good, Deborah" <xxxxxx@UCSF.EDU>
Subject: Remote work

Hi All - we're examining the future of remote work post-COVID given that the last year has shifted how we've had to conduct business and opened up opportunities that allow us to explore a more permanent option. We would be interested to know if other organizations  have, or are considering, allowing permanent remote working. There's obviously a lot of factors to consider so we're looking at information that will help inform the process. Please feel free to email me directly or reply to the group.



Deborah Good

Research Services Manager
Office of Sponsored Research


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Jim Peters

Director of Customer Solutions

Bad Rabbit Consulting




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Audrey L. Wineglass Foster, M.S.A.
Gallaudet University
Assistant Dean for Sponsored Programs and Research Services
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Services
Kendall Hall, Room 201A
Washington, DC  20002
ph: 202-651-5497
vp: 202-250-2503

Gallaudet University has taken steps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Nevertheless, the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Services is available for proposal submission, award management services, and research development that we routinely provide; please reach out to us through email (first preference) or phone. 

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