Hi Sunny,


There was an announcement in the federal register re-opening the application based on specific circumstances: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/12/23/2020-28501/notice-reopening-the-application-period-for-certain-applicants-under-the-higher-education-emergency.


We believe we qualify under #5:  IHEs that originally applied for less funding than they were eligible to receive under a particular funding opportunity. These IHEs may submit revised applications to that funding opportunity to receive up to the full amount of the original allocation they were eligible to receive.


Thanks for sharing about your experience. We also had reached out to Department of Education about the discrepancy but we were never given an amendment, unfortunately.






Christine González

Grants Specialist



be connected  office 702.992.2506  |  xxxxxx@nsc.edu

be here  1300 Nevada State Drive  |  RSC 355  |  Henderson, NV 89002





From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG] On Behalf Of Sunny Thompson
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] How to apply for CARES Act HEERF MSI Discrepancy?




I don’t know about “this current application”.  Is there a new opportunity? I’m still parsing through the latest package.  


For our previous MSI award through HEERF, once they put out the new calculations, I reached out to the ED POC on our GAN, and requested the additional amount. They issued a new GAN to increase the overall award to the updated total within a week of my initial email. There was no need to reapply, but rather it was an amendment to the first award.


Hope this helps…


E. Sunny Thompson, CRA

Grant Analyst | she/her/hers

Texas Lutheran University | www.tlu.edu

Working Remotely

Ph: 830-372-8014 | xxxxxx@tlu.edu

Learn Boldly. Live to Inspire.

Check it out: Grants SharePoint: https://tluedu.sharepoint.com/sites/grants


From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Christine Gonzalez
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 11:26 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] How to apply for CARES Act HEERF MSI Discrepancy?


Hi All,


Is anyone applying for the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund for the Minority Serving Institutions portion? We noticed that the department of education increased our allocation under Section 18004(a)(2) after we had already submitted our certification for a lesser allocated amount, but we never got the difference. Is anyone else in the same situation? If so, what amount are you putting down for this current application—is it the full amount allocated or the difference you are missing?


Feel free to reach out to me directly: xxxxxx@nsc.edu.


Thank you,




Christine González

Grants Specialist



be connected  office 702.992.2506  |  xxxxxx@nsc.edu

be here  1300 Nevada State Drive  |  RSC 355  |  Henderson, NV 89002





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