Hi Vicki,


I had the same issue earlier, but with an NIH Biosketch. To solve the issue, I exported the PDF to Word and made the edits from there.


I hope this helps!


Best of luck,


Joann Hom
Office of Sponsored Research
T: 206.548.8513
E: xxxxxx@alleninstitute.org






From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Vicki Krell
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 12:39 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Bio in SciENcv


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Hi all. I’m driving myself crazy trying to get a Bio created in SciENcv for a PI. Now that we’ve gotten her ORCID linked and her pubs pulled in, her Bio is coming out to be 3 pages and I can’t figure out how to edit it to get it down to 2 pages. It’s adding a rather long hyperlink at the end of each listing and I can’t remove those – the only thing I can actually edit is the author info, and that doesn’t seem to be causing the issue.


My next attempt was to edit the PDF I downloaded but it’s “signed” and not editable.


I know that the intent of this move by NSF was to reduce admin burden but at this point it’s doing the exact opposite. Any suggestions??





Vicki Krell, CRA

Assistant Director, Research Advancement

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Arizona State University

Research Advancement Office

Office of the Dean; Research and Digital Initiatives

P.O. Box 872501

p: 480-965-2171  f: 480-965-1093  

email: xxxxxx@asu.edu

web: https://thecollege.asu.edu/

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