Topic: "CRA Exam Prep – Study Group”
Presenters: Nancy Nearman, Director of Grants Management - SUNY at Old Westbury & Nicole Quartiero, Director of Sponsored
Programs and Assistant Director of the Institute of Cannabis Research – Colorado State University at Pueblo
Description: This session will cover details of the CRA Exam process and panelists will suggest tips on how they navigated
studying and preparation. At the end of this session, the panelists will form a study group which can meet in the future.
When: mid October 16, 2020 at 1p-2:30p
Where: The New School is hosting - registrants will get a calendar invite from TNS ORS with virtual Zoom webinar info.
Virtual Information: Please click the link below to join the webinar:
https://NewSchool.zoom.us/j/95084283482?pwd=SjFMSHRsL2FnbngySjBQRlhDajI4QT09 -
Passcode: 456314
Webinar ID: 950 8428 3482
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Reminder for virtual attendees: please keep the mute setting on for your computer speakers or phone upon logging
in - this will reduce background noise, make things easier for the presenter, be less distracting for the other attendees and allow for better recording quality for folks who watch the session later on. Should you need to unmute, please be mindful that audience
members (in person and virtually) can hear you and all background noises.
Please test your Zoom access on your computer well before this session.
Audience members are encouraged to send questions ahead of the session to xxxxxx@newschool.edu and we can incorporate into the session
Slides: RAD Session slides from 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 are posted on The New School ORS website: https://www.researchnewschool.com/rad-series.
All slides and any recordings for 2020-2021 will also be posted to the website (note: it takes about 1-2 weeks after each session to post).
RAD Purpose: RAD was created due to the current economic pressures,
where it has become increasingly difficult to identify the required resources to train research administrators and aid their professional development/career growth. The goal of RAD is to provide information/knowledge sharing for all research administrators.
New research administrators could utilize RAD as part of their new employee on-boarding, while veteran research administrators could utilize RAD for their continued learning (or refresher).
All RAD sessions are taught by national level, expert presenters. All RAD sessions are free ($0 cost). No membership, no registration fees.
For questions or more information - please email xxxxxx@newschool.edu.
ORS can provide CEU or certificate of attendance/completion, for folks who need it. Please send requests to xxxxxx@newschool.edu.