I would be interested in this also!


From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Kara Gajentan
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 9:24 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Match/Cost Share Approval Form Template


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I was wondering if anyone has a form you can share that you use for chairs/deans to approve faculty Match/Cost Shares. I’m in the process of creating a form that I would use to inform the chairs/deans of their faculty’s required cost share portion on a proposal and get their signatures for record keeping (we are currently using emails for these approvals) and wanted to see some examples of verbiage if possible.


Thank you so much!

Kara Gajentan
Contract & Grant Specialist III
Arts and Humanities
University of Central Florida

P.O. Box 161990
Orlando, FL 32816-1990

Office: 407.823.2991


Please note: Florida has a very broad open records law (F.S. 119). Emails may be subject to public disclosure.



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