From the Funds Available stating FY2020 has $1M committed to fund 3-5 awards, that would indicate the $350,000 max is per year NOT for the 5 years.


Deb Buffington


From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Rhonda
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NIH Budget Limits Question - RFA-DA-20-006


External Email - Use Caution

You are correct. 350K max for the entire project and it cannot exceed 5 years. NIH has 1M in funding to award 3-5 proposals for this RFA.  350K over 5 years.


On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 2:51 PM Gregory Werhner <> wrote:

I have a question regarding NIH limits for a particular RFA. I am hoping someone has some input.


The RFA states the following (highlighted yellow below). I am reading this as the total award is 350K, the PI is thinking it means 350K max per year. Usually NIH is very clear about funding limits, but for some reason not with this RFA.


Has anyone ever come across this type of issue?


Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards

NIDA intends to commit $1M in FY2020 to fund 3-5 awards from this R01 and the R21. Future year amounts will depend on annual appropriations.

Award Budget

Application budgets are limited to direct costs of $350k.

Award Project Period

Project periods cannot exceed 5 years.


Gregory Werhner, MPA CRA

Research Contract/Grant Specialist

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

33 Knightsbridge Road

Piscataway, NJ 08854




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