The key word there, I believe, is “usually.” We have allowed supplies for the students’ research projects to be included with the participant support costs. We included minimal clerical/supplies costs with
F&A for promotional materials to promote the opportunity. Our proposal was approved. We are submitting a renewal with the same. We are also including a nominal cost for ID cards to access campus buildings with the participant support costs.
Good luck!
Tracy Ehrlich
Senior Sponsored Programs Manager | University of Miami College of Arts & Sciences
Research Support Services & Administration | Phone 305-284-9246 |
From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG>
On Behalf Of Anne Schauer
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 9:48 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Clarification needed on NSF Participant Support Cost
Hello colleagues:
We have a PI working on an NSF REU Site proposal who is insisting on listing his request for materials and supplies in the Participant Support
category. I have maintained that materials and supplies should be listed under Other Direct Cost...but since he does not see supplies specifically addressed in either the PAPPG or REU guidelines, he is very resistant to following my guidance.
When I passed on this section from the PAPPG (into section that lists clarifications):
“Chapter II.C.2.g(v), Participant Support, has been updated to clarify when an individual should be classified as a participant or a speaker at a conference. This section also has been updated to clarify that participant support
costs may not be budgeted to cover room rental fees, catering costs, supplies, etc., related to an NSF-sponsored conference.”
...his response is that his proposal is not for a conference so this clarification does not apply.
When I quote this section of the REU guidelines, “Budget. The focus of REU Sites is the student experience, and the budget must reflect this principle. Project costs must be predominantly for student support, which usually includes
such items as participant stipends, housing, meals, travel, and laboratory use fees”
...his response is that supplies are not specifically disallowed.
I would love input from my fellow researcher administrators on this issue.
Anne P. Schauer, M.A., CRA
Director of Research and Sponsored Programs
Miami University
Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship
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