We have a faculty member who does work through our university for various counties and states and charges a fee for the services.  This is not sponsored research.  The faculty member is a forensic scientist and does various work identifying bodies, etc.  Until now, the income has been placed in an auxiliary account that was then used to pay students and the travel to do the work. The funds are not treated as “income” for the faculty member.  In an audit review, we were told that these are state funds and cannot be kept in an auxiliary account.


In this short synopsis, can any of you shed light on this situation and how your university would handle it?  I am going to a meeting to discuss this, but again, it’s not sponsored research, so I need ideas on how this can be handled to meet the financial requirements of state funds.  Feel free to email me directly with questions or your suggestions.  I may or may not have enough detail to expect an answer, but this is all that I know for now.


Thank you,


Donna Gilmore, MS

Director of Research & Sponsored Programs

Office of Research & Graduate Studies

Florida Gulf Coast University

10501 FGCU BLVD South

Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565



General Email:  xxxxxx@fgcu.edu



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