Thank you very much for sharing this, Bruxanne!

Warm regards,



Michael Gouin-Hart, MPA, CNPL, CRA

Director, Office of Sponsored Programs

Authorized Organizational Representative

Grand Valley State University

1 Campus Drive, 049 JHZ, Allendale, MI 49401-9401

Phone: 616-331-6868





From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Bruxanne Hein
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] government shutdown's impact on your institution


Our office composed this for the Provost to send out to faculty, haven't seen it go out yet but I also posted to our FB page and website: 


Impact of government shutdown on researchers


As we move into the fourth week of the government shutdown we do not want to impact budgets through short term practices that could have longer term negative impacts.  Federally funded researchers need to take measures to assure that you can meet the deliverables of your grants (and maintain the scope of the approved work) but also pay attention to your spending.  Aside from a few exceptions (e.g. National Institutes of Health and U.S. Departments of Energy and Education), most federal agencies are closed due to the government shutdown. Below are the latest research updates:


Grants Disbursements: Faculty members may continue to spend their grant awards but should be aware that non vital expenditures should be held. Departments should be notified that not all costs, such as travel costs, during the shutdown period beginning 12/26 may be reimbursed.


The GSURSF will continue to bill agencies as per award requirements. However, supplements and renewals will not be received by the institution. New monies from the federal agencies cannot be awarded until the federal shutdown has been resolved.


Pending requests such as approval to re-budget, etc. should be placed on hold and discussed with the appropriate research accountant.


Reporting Obligations: Grant reporting obligations and original deadlines are still in effect. While there may be no one at the agencies to review these reports, principal investigators must adhere to the reporting schedule per their grant awards and submit on time.  Again, we don’t want to compromise the deliverables of the grants.


Notice of Award: Faculty and staff who received a Notice of Award (NOA) should continue with their project and research without interruption. However, government staff will be unable to assist or help with any questions or issues. Faculty and staff who receive official notices directly from any federal agencies should contact their grant coordinator.


Review Panels: Faculty and staff serving on a review panel for an agency that is currently shut down should consider cancelling their travel plans. Review panels are cancelled until further notice. Note: Most agencies will not reimburse lost deposits or airfare. 


New Grant Submissions: Opportunities through, NSF Fastlane and with posted deadlines are still in effect although submissions will not be processed until agency operations resume. Agency personnel cannot answer questions about grant submissions.


Bruxanne E. Hein, Ed.S., M.Ed., C.R.A.

Director, Office of Research Services & Sponsored Programs

Executive Director, Georgia Southern Research & Service Foundation

Georgia Southern University

PO Box 8005

Veazey Hall Room 3000B

Statesboro, GA 30460-8005

Office: 912/478.0580

Cell: 843/333.2034


Follow our office on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates in research administration and grant opportunity news.



On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 1:28 PM Kris Wolff <> wrote:

We're all too disheartened to answer the question.


On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 1:21 PM Theresa Defino <> wrote:

FYI, when I posted this question yesterday (and asked for how the Common Rule implementation was going), a single person contacted me.


Theresa Defino
Report on Research Compliance

Report on Patient Privacy





-----Original Message-----
From: Carter, Kim <xxxxxx@UKY.EDU>
Sent: Tue, Jan 15, 2019 1:12 pm
Subject: [RESADM-L] government shutdown's impact on your institution

I am wondering if you or your institution have changed any behaviors or processes because of the ongoing government shutdown.  What communications have you sent to your faculty? I assume so far disruptions have been minimal but have you planned for the point when it becomes more meaningful or real to your faculty and institution?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Feel free to contact me offline if you prefer.



Kim C. Carter, MPA, CRA, CPRA, CFRA

Assistant Vice President for Research and Executive Director, Office of

Sponsored Projects Administration, University of Kentucky

President, Society of Research Administrators International

112 Kinkead Hall, 172 Funkhouser Drive, Lexington, KY  40506

Phone:  859-257-8310  



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Kris Wolff, MA, CRA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs

Co-Director, University Research Compliance Council
Mondays: Lincoln Center 212-636-7946

Tues-Fri: Rose Hill 718-817-4086


Do you have questions about research administration policies at Fordham?


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