With so many sponsors and/or programs limiting the number of proposals a university can submit (usually just 1), it seems that limited submissions is increasing over the years.  

I would be very interested in knowing how your campus manages the internal competition for limited submissions, specifically, who decides who gets to move forward to submit the full proposal?  

We currently have a committee of different faculty that would choose among the pre-proposals (1-page project summary plus CV) that are submitted by an internal deadline, but I am sure that there are other ways (maybe better and more efficient ways) of doing this.  

Can folks share, particularly if they LIKE their limited submission process?  

Thanks so much!


Jesse J.K. Szeto 司徒祖傑

Senior Director

Office of Research Services (ORS), Main Campus

Georgetown University

Box 571014 650 ICC

Washington, DC  20057


Office:  +1-202-687-5597

E-mail:  xxxxxx@georgetown.edu  

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