Hi Donna,

We share a report on proposal submissions and awards received with these folks (and some dept chairs, etc.) every 2 weeks. The information does belong to the University so we do not ask permission from the faculty prior to sharing it. In addition, we put a sharing caveat into our email indicating the data is to be utilized for internal business purposes only. Our attempt is to help them keep abreast of current activity, and to help them manage submissions to foundations and industry sponsors to determine (and possibly avoid) overlap with their pursuits.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:09 AM Donna Berger <xxxxxx@marist.edu> wrote:

Hi Everyone, 

My office has been asked to share grant information with our Advancement Office as part of a joint effort to support faculty.  We keep records of current, pending, declined and awarded grants. In the past I have only shared awarded grant information.   Do any of you share similar information with your Advancement Offices? If so, how often and in what format?  Also, do you gain permissions from faculty members (or project directors) before disseminating this information.  Any thoughts on this practice or information that should remain confidential or at the discretion of the faculty member would be welcome.  Thank you.

Best regards, 


Donna Berger, Ph.D.

Director, Academic Grants


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Gina LeMay
Director, Sponsored Operations & Info. Systems
Michigan Technological University
Ph: (906) 487-3170

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