Hi Liana. I've worked with faculty at two institutions that have great internal seed grant programs: Miami University (https://miamioh.edu/research/finding-funding/internal-funding/cfr-programs/faculty-research-grants/index.html and Grand Valley State University (https://www.gvsu.edu/csce/csce-internal-funding-3.htm).

Meg Cantwell

MQC Consulting, LLC
Megan Queen Cantwell, President

~Strategic planning and proposal development since 1994~

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [RESADM-L] Research Seed Grant Opps for Collaborative/Multi- or
Transdisciplinary Research
From: Liana Ryan <xxxxxx@UTSA.EDU>
Date: Tue, October 09, 2018 1:25 pm

Good afternoon,
We are developing a seed/pilot grant opportunity at our institution that encourages multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary research across multiple departments, colleges, disciplines, etc.
As such, I’m interested in learning more about programs that may already exist at other institutions – how much funding you provide for this, what the period of the awards is, what outcomes you have seen come from them, what terms you place on the awards (i.e. for future funding or continued collaborations). If you were willing to share a copy of your RFP, that would be even more helpful.
Thank you, ahead of time, and I look forward to hearing from the community!
Liana Ryan, MPA
Assistant Director, Faculty Development
Office of Research Support, GSR 2.130
Research, Economic Development & Knowledge Enterprise
The University of Texas at San Antonio
P: (210) 458-7339

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