Hi All,


Does anyone’s institution have a written policy, or does anyone know of a resource with guidelines, that outlines circumstances under which it is ok to activate a sub prior to obtaining sub IRB/IACUC assurances and approvals for the specific purpose of enabling the sub to work on and obtain the necessary approvals? We have foreign subs that often require funds/resources in order to work on and obtain assurances. All I can find with regard to policy is that no work with human or animal subjects can begin prior to obtaining IRB/IACUC approvals. This policy does not seem to preclude the activation of a sub prior to beginning such work, yet this seems to be a common policy at some universities.


Thanks for any help on this on or offline.




Shannon Knudsen

Grant & Project Support Coordinator

The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute (PMI)

Northern Arizona University

PO Box 4073

Flagstaff, AZ 86011


Tel: (928) 523-4984





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