Hi Kirsten,


It is common to have a contract with a foundation as well as a CRADA for the same project… in my experience there was a DOD prime award being referenced in both contracts though that helped tie it all together and limit the confusion.  I’d be happy to share more offline, feel free to email me directly.


Good luck with it!


Haley Vande Streek | Clinical Research Administrator | Department of Pediatrics | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Phone: 919-966-9145 | Fax: 919-966-7299 | Email: xxxxxx@email.unc.edu | http://www.med.unc.edu/pediatrics






From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@LISTS.HEALTHRESEARCH.ORG> On Behalf Of Kirsten Torguson
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 11:21 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Agreements with Federal Subawardee (FDP Subaward and CRADA)


Good morning!


We have entered into an FDP subaward agreement with a federal agency foundation (the submitting and fiscal entity on an NIH proposal).  We are now being asked to enter into a CRADA with the federal agency directly which presumably would contain a more detailed scope of work and definition of the research, transfer of materials, exchange of information or expertise, and travel.


Is this common, or am I correct in thinking that this would cause chaos given that we would have two separate agreements with two separate entities for the same work? 


Any feedback is appreciated.  Thank you!  Kirsten



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Kirsten Torguson MRA, CRA

Director, Office of Research & Sponsored Projects

Direct: 909.607.9313

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