UMBC is seeking a motivated individual with an interest in providing oversight, monitoring and understanding the ethical issues in research compliance. 

The Compliance Specialist will work in the Office of Research Protections and Compliance to administer and provide oversight and monitoring of UMBC’s animal care and use program (IACUC) as well biohazardous material and recombinant DNA use (IBC) in research studies as well as assist in other UMBC research compliance areas.   

The Office of Research Protections and Compliance provides a centralized research compliance resource to ensure UMBC conducts its research activities in a manner consistent with federal, state and institutional regulatory requirements.  

For more information, please click on this link.

If you have any questions, please contact us at  Thank you.

Timothy Sparklin
Research Compliance Officer 
Office of Research Protections and Compliance
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
ORPC website

Have feedback or a research compliance question or concern for the ORPC? Tell us.

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