Good afternoon everyone, 

I am working on NIH - PA-18-488 and I have a question regarding the paragraphs below:

Other (Intellectual Resources)
Dr. XXX is supported by Dr. YYY, who will serve as a co-investigator and mentor for this project. In this role he will contribute to conception and design, acquisition of data, statistical analysis of data, and dissemination of findings. He provides expertise and experience in infectious diseases-related epidemiology and health outcomes research as well as federal grant management and working with large datasets.

Dr. YYY is tasked within the Department of ZZZ with assisting new faculty and Early Stage Investigators in developing research programs. He will commit up to 1.0 person months in years 1 and 2 to support this proposal (with no salary support requested).

My question is should I include this in the Facilities and Other Resources? Is this an appropriate place for this language? 

I look forward to your feedback!



Steve Wright
Sponsored Programs & Support
Office for Research
Idaho State University
1651 Alvin Ricken Drive, Suite 116
STOP 8046
208.282.2593 (Office)
208.282.4723 (Fax)

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