As I recall the 2013 shutdown, computer systems that could run automatically remained available during the period the government was shut down—but the helpdesks would not be staffed, so any issues with passwords, file glitches, etc., would have to wait.


For submissions, I think it might be smart to download all the Workspace forms you think you might need now, while the systems are still up and running—and then you can work on filling them in and adding attachments offline, regardless of whether or not itself is working. Then, when everything’s back online again, you can upload everything that’s completed and run the system checks at that time.


ASSIST is a little trickier, since it’s an interactive system in and of itself. But there, too, go ahead and start what applications you have that have near-term deadlines, and get as much information into the systems now as you can, and then see what happens after tonight.


Michael Spires, M.A., M.S., CRA
President, National Organization of Research Development Professionals

Research Development Officer, Sciences

The Research Office

Oakland University

256 Hannah Hall

244 Meadow Brook Road

Rochester, MI 48309-4451

(248) 370-2207


From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Jean Remmer
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 2:07 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] & eRA Commons during a Govt Shutdown


Does anyone have any thoughts or knowledge about how and eRA Commons will function during a government shutdown (if it comes to that?)  For example, our group is preparing an application for a 1/25 deadline using ASSIST which is used live through g.g.  The group is asking me if it will be available if government shuts down and/or if the deadline will be extended.  I honestly can't recall if g.g. and commons were impacted by the last shutdown.

Anybody out there remember or have new knowledge about how it works?



L. Jean Remmer

Vice President, Research Administration

Proteogenomics Research Institute for Systems Medicine

505 Coast Boulevard South, Ste 209

La Jolla, CA 92037-4616

Ph. 858.450.9999 Cell. 858.967.9105

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