Hello, all,
Just writing to echo Charlie’s point about differences in state regulations. In Arizona, retention schedules for the 3 state universities are under the purview of the State of Arizona Library, Archives, and Public Records. Provisions
are made for differences among the institutions, but the overall schedules are changed at the state level.
From: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org> on behalf of Charlie Tardivo RACS LLC <xxxxxx@YAHOO.COM>
Reply-To: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org>
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 7:48 PM
To: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org>
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Retention and Destruction of Electronic Files
At the different institutions I have been with, we have treated electronic similar to paper. However if you have both for the same records paper is the accepted legal
document. We would use the NIH standard of 3 years plus 90 days from the end of a project. Assuming the project was for 5 years, this would be 8 years and 90 days from the start of a project. However I have consulted at some state universities and the state
timeline supersedes the NIH if the period is longer. So you may want to check with the state of Ohio. At a Texas institution the time frame was 9 years.
Charlie Tardivo, Principal (RACS LLC)
Research Administration Consulting Services LLC
1092 Homewood Dr Suite 300
Lakewood OH 44107
tel# 216-403-8176.........fax# 216-221-8066
"Show up on time" "Respond Quickly"
------The cost of mis-management is greater than the cost of good management-----
On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 1:19:29 PM CDT, Ashley Riggleman <xxxxxx@YSU.EDU> wrote:
I am looking for best practices when it comes to the archiving and destruction of electronic files. We are moving from paper to
e-files, and need to update our procedures.
Thanks in advance!
Ashley Riggleman, M.S.Ed.
Assistant Director, Research Services
Youngstown State University
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