Hi everyone,


I’m working with our Purchasing department to build an RFP for a new GMS, and I’m trying to build our list of “Requirements” and “Preferences” for what we want the system to do.


Has anyone worked on this that could provide me with what their institution submitted? Please feel free to respond to the list serv or off-line. I also welcome any feedback on experiences you had, good and bad reviews, etc.


I do request that no one working with a company that offers a GMS contact me about their services. We will be happy to review their bid in response to the RFP when it is posted.


Thanks so much for any information you can provide! My contact information is below for off-line responses.




Beth Kingsley, CRA

Senior Grant Analyst, SPARO

Denver Health and Hospital Authority

777 Bannock Street, MC 1925

Denver, CO 80204


(303) 602-7061 (office)

(303) 602-7078 (fax)


How are we doing? Please take a minute to complete a brief customer service survey found at the following link: https://dhharedcap.ucdenver.edu/surveys/?s=jRaWbJ


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